two teen girls smiling

Birth control options for teens

Most teens know about the birth control pill, but did you know there are other contraceptive options out there?

Family co-sleeping

Q&A: Is it okay to co-sleep with my baby?

Sleep specialist Daniel Lewin answers the question “Is it okay to co-sleep with my baby?”

teeaged girl holding a cigarette

Teen smoking: risks and how to quit

As a parent, it is important to know how you can prevent teen smoking and how to help your teen if they have a smoking problem.

Pregnant woman holding her belly

What you need to know about premature birth

Even if a pregnant woman follows all of the medical recommendations, she still can have a premature birth.

two girls arguing in front of mom

Q&A: My kids are constantly fighting for attention from me and my wife. What do I do?

Our two girls are constantly kids are constantly fighting for attention from me and my wife. What is the best way to help them see that they are both important and no one is getting a “raw deal”?