little boy eating medicine he's not supposed to

Safeguarding little ones: The crucial role of medication storage practices and clear labeling

It is crucial for parents and caregivers to pay attention to where medicine is stored and the importance of clear medication labeling.

medications in the drugstore

How to read an over-the-counter medication label

Whether it is a stick of lip balm or a bottle of DayQuil, certain information must appear on the medication label.

prescription pill bottles

How to read a prescription medication label

It’s important to follow the instructions when giving your child prescription medication. Here’s how to read the label on the bottle.

child in hospital bed

How to manage a child’s pain post-surgery

Observe how your child recognizes pain prior to surgery to help reduce overmedication and promote a normal healing process.

cannabis leaf and gummies

Keeping children safe around cannabis edibles

Dr. Caleb Ward discusses the dangers of children ingesting cannabis edibles and shares tips on how parents can safely store these products.