sad boy

Helping kids stay connected during summer break

Is your child missing their school friends this summer? Here are some tips to help them stay connected and beat the summer blues!

Sad boy sitting in the stairwell

Bullying: A serious threat to children’s health

This guide educates parents about the dangers of bullying and offers steps to prevent it and support their children.

children raising their hands in a classroom

Enrolling your child in school

Enrolling your child in a new school is an exciting time but also can be stressful for both parents and students.

teacher and children in a preschool classroom

The benefits of enrolling children in early childhood education

Early childhood education benefits children by giving them opportunities to socialize, cooperate and take turns.

Kids running with backpacks

Avoiding backpack back pain

Heavy backpacks go hand-in-hand with the return of the school year, and parents need to know how to help their children avoid pain.