boy swimming in river

How to prevent swimming-related illnesses

The best way to prevent swimming-related illnesses from spreading is to keep germs out of the water in the first place.

little girl sitting in car

Preventing heatstroke in cars

Leaving a child alone in a car can lead to serious injury or death from heatstroke, even in cooler temperatures.

mom putting bike helmet on son

Bike safety tips for your family

From wearing helmets to understanding hand signals and navigating intersections safely, educating children about the importance of biking safely is important.

baby sleeping in crib

The truth about baby sound machines and hearing loss

While sound machines used properly are unlikely to cause hearing loss for your baby, it’s important to be aware of the signs.

little boy eating medicine he's not supposed to

Safeguarding little ones: The crucial role of medication storage practices and clear labeling

It is crucial for parents and caregivers to pay attention to where medicine is stored and the importance of clear medication labeling.