Boy flexing his muscles

Kids need more than calcium to keep bones healthy

Weight-bearing activities — like running and jumping — are the most important types of exercises for building healthy bones in kids.

girl snacking during online learning

Promoting healthy eating habits while learning at home

Here are some ways you can promote healthy eating and physical activity while your children are learning at home.

boy with tennis racket and face mask

What sports are safe during COVID-19?

Wondering what sports are safe to play during COVID? To help you, we’ve put together a list of sports and their relative risk factors.

soccer team wearing masks

Returning to sports during COVID-19: Precautions for you and your children

We’ve provided the guidelines below to help you with questions that may arise during the process of returning to sports.

Girl working at a computer and eating fast food

Staying healthy and active at home

Being at home doesn’t have to mean gaining weight. Follow these five tips and tricks for staying healthy and active at home.