little boy eating medicine he's not supposed to

Safeguarding little ones: The crucial role of medication storage practices and clear labeling

It is crucial for parents and caregivers to pay attention to where medicine is stored and the importance of clear medication labeling.

Little skier having fun at sunny snowy day

Winter sports safety tips for kids

Despite the risk for injury, physical activity in the wintertime is important for a child’s overall health and the strength of their bones.

little girl bundled in scarf

Frostbite and frostnip

While anyone can get frostbite or frostnip, children are at a greater risk than adults because they lose heat from their skin faster.

Kids running with backpacks

Avoiding backpack back pain

Heavy backpacks go hand-in-hand with the return of the school year, and parents need to know how to help their children avoid pain.

teen boy at football practice

How to tackle summer football workouts without heat illness

Heat illness happens when the body’s core temperature rises faster than the body can cool itself down and presents in a spectrum of disease and symptoms.