Red heart in child and parent hands

Keep your family heart-healthy with these 5 expert tips

Cardiologist Sarah Clauss, MD, shares five ways families can prioritize heart health this February during American Heart Month.

healthy vegetables and nuts

Can healthy foods really boost your immune system?

While warding off sickness requires a daily commitment to healthy choices beyond just nutrition, eating a well-balanced, colorful diet can also help you avoid common pitfalls.

winter vegetables

8 winter vegetables to keep you healthy this season

There are several variations of winter vegetables that can keep your body and mind in top-notch condition, even in freezing temperatures.

Smoothie bowl with banana, strawberry, blueberry, granola and pomegranate

Healthy breakfast ideas that even picky children love

Without a healthy breakfast, kids miss out on the fuel needed for improved performance on demanding mental tasks and motivation to be physically active.

mother and little son arriving by airplane

When traveling with little ones, consider these expert tips

Before you hit the road or take to the skies this holiday season, here’s what pediatricians from Children’s National Health System want you to know.