gluten-free/casein-free sign

Can a gluten-free/casein-free diet improve autism symptoms?

A look at the pros and cons of the most popular dietary program pursued by parents for their autistic children: the gluten-free/casein-free diet.

girl flexing with drink

Nutrition tips for young athletes

Physical therapist Kevin McGuinness shares nutrition tips to help your young athlete build a healthy diet conducive to their growth and development.

clean plate

Healthy eating: why it’s time to stop cleaning your plate

Health experts agree that enforcing a “clean your plate” rule — regardless of a child’s age — isn’t always good for healthy eating.

baby refusing to eat

What is post traumatic feeding disorder?

Post traumatic feeding or eating disorders are behaviors exhibited when an infant relates a painful or frightening experience with eating.

powdered infant formula

What you need to know about the latest baby formula recall and shortage

Information about the latest baby formula recall and resulting formula shortage, including tips on how to cope with the shortage.