people sitting around a table eating

Healthy holiday eating tips for the whole family

With a little planning and creativity, you can enjoy the season’s flavors while keeping your family’s nutrition on track.

healthy lunch

Packing a healthy school lunch

Learn how to pack nutritious and delicious school lunches for your child, with age-appropriate meal ideas and tips.

Little boy listenting to heartbeat of stuffed bear

What parents need to know about congenital heart disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40,000 infants born in the United States each year will have a congenital heart defect or heart disease.

teen girl with headache

Young women and iron-deficiency anemia

One of the most common causes of iron-deficiency anemia in girls and young women are heavy menstrual periods.

baby asleep with a bottle

My baby is 12 months old and will only drink from bottles while asleep

Since my baby was 4-5 months old, she would only drink her bottles while asleep. She is now 12 months and does the same thing.