father and daughter talking to school nurse

Partnering with school nurses to manage your child’s chronic condition

There are many ways you can partner with your child’s school nurse to ensure that your child is healthy and ready to learn.

Vial marked with HPV vaccine

Q&A: Why does my child need the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine, also known by the brand name Gardasil 9, helps protect against certain types of HPV that can lead to cancer.

Bottle with pills and label Growth hormone

Q&A: What are the benefits and side effects of growth hormone?

For patients whose body does not produce enough growth hormone, administration of growth hormone has multiple positive effects.

nurse tests boy's blood sugar at school

What is a School-Based Health Center?

School-based Health Centers are a great community resource and play an active role in providing health care for children.

doctor putting bandaid on little girl's arm

Helping your child cope with shots

There are many strategies that you can use with your child to help reduce distress and fleeting pain associated with shots.