Children playing dress up

Age-appropriate gifts for preschoolers

The best gift you can give a preschooler is something they can use to play with another child

doctor putting bandaid on little girl's arm

Helping your child cope with shots

There are many strategies that you can use with your child to help reduce distress and fleeting pain associated with shots.

Family hiking in the woods

Get the family moving after Thanksgiving

It’s important to fight the tryptophan, an amino acid in turkeys often associated with sleepiness, and get the family moving after Thanksgiving.

boy getting his ear examined by doctor

Q&A: My kid’s ear hurts, what should I do?

Your kid wakes up complaining of ear pain. What should you do? Otolaryngologist Dr. Rahul Shah has advice.

perscription pill bottles and pills

Does my child need antibiotics?

When a child needs antibiotics, the potential benefits that the antibiotics will deliver outweigh these risks.