child reaching into lunch box for epi pen

QUIZ: How much do you know about food allergies?

Food allergies are a growing public health problem and affect up to 8 percent of U.S. children. Take this quiz to learn how to help tamp down your child’s anxieties about food allergies.

brother and sister having a pillow fight

How to handle sibling rivalry

Regardless of the cause, remember that this is normal behavior and it will pass!

heart healthy foods

Two changes you can make today for a healthy heart

You don’t have to overhaul your diet or dinner plans today, but starting small is an easy way to support long-term cardiovascular health outcomes.

mom nursing toddler on couch

What is the best way to wean an 18-month-old off breastfeeding?

Lactation expert Dr. Sahira Long answers a reader’s question about weaning a toddler.

two boys looking at a computer screen

How to manage your child’s screen time

Pediatrician Linda Fu provides information on the effects of children staring at screens for too long.