Emergency department sign

When to take your child to the emergency department

Here’s the difference between a medical emergency and medical urgency and advice on when to go to the emergency department.

illustration of first aid kit

Creating a family travel first aid kit

Wherever you go and however you travel, it’s important to bring a first aid kit with you in case of emergencies. Here are some suggestions for what to pack in your family’s travel first aid kit.

child in hospital bed

How to manage a child’s pain post-surgery

Observe how your child recognizes pain prior to surgery to help reduce overmedication and promote a normal healing process.

sick baby with fever

When to bring your newborn baby to the emergency department

Here are six things to look out for in your baby that could be signs that they need to go to the emergency department.

emergency kit

Preparing your family for any emergency

The first step of preparing your family for an emergency is having a first aid kit that is ready for anything.