illustration of medicine cabinet

How to stock your medicine cabinet

To prepare for minor childhood injuries as well as common illnesses, use this list help stock your medicine cabinet.

illustration of auto-injectors

How to use an epinephrine auto-injector

Because there are several different kinds of epinephrine auto-injectors, it’s important to become familiar with how to use each type.

teen girl with stomach ache

Combating diarrhea and upset stomach from antibiotics

Most often, just time and light foods are the best medicine for diarrhea and upset stomach caused by antibiotics.

child with stomach pain

QUIZ: Test your knowledge of pediatric pain medicine!

How much do you know about pain and pediatric pain medicine? Take our quiz and find out!

Mother checking on sick daughter laying in bed

Fevers in children

Wondering what to do about your child’s fever? In this video, My Pocket Pediatrician Dr. Lili Moran talks about fevers, how to treat them and when to seek medical care.