illustration of auto-injectors

How to use an epinephrine auto-injector

Because there are several different kinds of epinephrine auto-injectors, it’s important to become familiar with how to use each type.

little girl drinking milk

Is your child drinking too much milk?

Too much milk can lead to health problems such as iron deficiency anemia and protein loss from the gut.

boy dressed as pirate holding a teal pumpkin

How to safely enjoy Halloween on a gluten-free diet

Even if your child is on a gluten-free diet, there are plenty of ways to celebrate Halloween and not feel like you are missing out!

girl being bullied

Food allergy-related bullying

If your child tells you about food allergy-related bullying, tell them that you believe them and will support them to address what is happening.

cartoon of gut fighting viruses

How nutrition can build an army to protect us against COVID-19

Eating lots of colorful, fiber-rich veggies can help cultivate a healthy microbiome that will aid our bodies in the fight against COVID-19.