illustration of a boy blowing his nose

Snot colors and what they mean

Because mucus is the first line of defense against infections, snot can take on different colors depending on what’s going on in your body.

illustration of auto-injectors

How to use an epinephrine auto-injector

Because there are several different kinds of epinephrine auto-injectors, it’s important to become familiar with how to use each type.

snowy road

Winter travel safety tips

If you are planning on traveling in the snow this winter, here are a few winter safety tips.

illustration of brain with DNA and puzzle pieces

Genetic testing and autism

Genetic testing cannot diagnose someone with autism, but it could help a family understand how or why someone has autism.

mother comforting son

Talking to children about a positive COVID-19 test result

Talking to children about a positive COVID-19 test result can be hard, but it’s important to share the test results with your child, regardless of their age.