sad teenager looking at skateboard in his hands

How oversleeping and lack of sleep affect your child’s mood

It is essential that parents observe and monitor their child’s sleeping schedule to ensure they are not suffering from lack of sleep.

Person in produce aisle with smartphone

A celiac smartphone app for gluten-free living

Recently, Children’s National released a free celiac smartphone app called the Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Resource Center.

Sleeping smiling baby.

Q&A: How much sleep does my child need?

Although getting enough sleep is an important part of a child’s health and well-being, there are times to worry and times to be reassured.

close up of kid washing hands

Why hand washing is preferable to hand sanitizing

Hand sanitizers often claim they “kill 99.9 percent of germs,” but they may not be the best option for fighting infection.

Kid with colored paint on hands

Q&A: How often should I give my baby bath?

While parents should make sure the diaper region of a baby is clean, until a baby can get truly messy, a daily bath is unnecessary.