Doctor listening to girl's heart

How to determine the severity of heart murmurs

Heart murmurs are extra or unusual sounds made by blood circulating through heart valves, or through blood vessels near the heart.

baby sleeping

Advice on safe sleeping for your baby

We reached out to pediatrician and SIDS researcher Rachel Moon, MD, for advice on safe sleeping for your baby and possible risks leading to SIDS.

Boy holding kitten

Cat scratch disease: it’s exactly as the name implies

Cat scratch disease, also known as cat scratch fever, is a bacterial infection that is transferred through the saliva of your cat after it licks or scratches you.

Little girl with stomach ache

What is norovirus?

Norovirus is highly contagious and is contracted from an infected person and by touching or eating contaminated food, water or surfaces.

healthy vegetables and nuts

Can healthy foods really boost your immune system?

While warding off sickness requires a daily commitment to healthy choices beyond just nutrition, eating a well-balanced, colorful diet can also help you avoid common pitfalls.