Family co-sleeping

Q&A: Is it okay to co-sleep with my baby?

Sleep specialist Daniel Lewin answers the question “Is it okay to co-sleep with my baby?”

Pregnant woman holding her belly

What you need to know about premature birth

Even if a pregnant woman follows all of the medical recommendations, she still can have a premature birth.

Dr. Kurt Newman with a little girl

Do’s and don’ts for parents: Health care advice from a pediatric surgeon

There are things every parent can do and learn ahead of time to make sure they get the best care for their kids if and when the time comes.

Mom and kid lying on floor reading book

What you need to know about seizures in children

Answers to some frequently asked questions about seizures in children.

happy boy in bed

How to handle bedwetting

What to do when potty training fails to stop bedwetting.