smiling teen girl

When should I take my child for her first gynecological exam?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) for the first time between ages 13-15.

aromatherapy oils

Aromatherapy for kids

When used properly, aromatherapy can help children and adults manage pain, sleep better and reduce nausea, discomfort and pain.

baby eating vegetables

Is baby-led weaning a safe way to feed your infant?

Baby-led weaning is a term that describes a way to introduce solid foods to babies, and it skips the puree or mushy-food phase.

dad watching daughter take muffins out of the oven

Praising children effectively

Research consistently shows that praising children is one of the most powerful ways to encourage a behavior.

Boy flexing his muscles

Kids need more than calcium to keep bones healthy

Weight-bearing activities — like running and jumping — are the most important types of exercises for building healthy bones in kids.