sick baby with fever

When to bring your newborn baby to the emergency department

Here are six things to look out for in your baby that could be signs that they need to go to the emergency department.

COVID-19 vaccine vials and needle

Which COVID-19 vaccine is best for your young child?

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective, and the most important thing is getting your child vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible.

marijuana plants

Marijuana and adolescents: old plant, new leaves

Because of the different ways children use screens, there is no set number of hours that qualifies as a screen addiction.

sad girl at the beach

Supporting your child’s mental health during the summer

Summer is here and school is out! Here are some tips to help you support your child’s mental health during the summer break.

mother taking child's temperature

Hepatitis in children

Hepatitis in children can be caused by many things. Most cases are caused by the hepatitis viruses A, B and C.