baby in crib with pacifier

Are pacifiers bad for your baby’s teeth?

Excessive use of a pacifier can result in misaligned and crooked teeth, gum recession and cavities.

prescription pill bottles

How to read a prescription medication label

It’s important to follow the instructions when giving your child prescription medication. Here’s how to read the label on the bottle.

father and son playing catch

How to get your kids ready for spring sports

To get your kids ready for spring sports, they need to start conditioning during the off season to reduce their risk of injury.

child playing with blue slime

Coping activities for non-speaking children

There are many coping activities to help calm non-speaking children, such as playing with things that are fun and soothing.

teen asleep on bed with laptop during the day

Help! My teen’s sleep schedule is off

Just like anything else that is important to your teen, it is important to prioritize sleep and make sure that they can reserve at least 8 hours within their busy schedule.