School kids in a bus

Why does my son yell all of the time?

If your son’s hearing is within normal limits and there are no other difficulties, then this loud use of his voice is likely behavioral.

Girl Having Sleeplessness Night

How can I get my 6-year-old to fall asleep and stay asleep?

Does your child have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? You’re not alone!

teenage boy washing his face

How do I get my teen to bathe?

The first step in getting a teen to bathe is figuring out why they’re not interested in bathing.

mother feeding her baby boy his bottle

How do I get my two month old breastfed daughter to take a bottle?

Weaning a young baby can be hard. Ideally, a bottle should be introduced by someone other than the mother at around 1 month of age.

baby girl buckled into her car seat

What are the rules for car seats?

Most convertible seats have limits that permit children to ride rear-facing for 2 or more years.