baby getting a vaccine

Keeping track of your child’s immunization schedule

At every well visit, it’s important to discuss your child’s vaccination status and ensure they’re up to date on recommended shots.

mom scolding child

How do I deal with a 6-year-old who screams, tantrums and hits?

My 6-year-old daughter screams, tantrums and hits us, especially when things do not go her way.

baby asleep with a bottle

My baby is 12 months old and will only drink from bottles while asleep

Since my baby was 4-5 months old, she would only drink her bottles while asleep. She is now 12 months and does the same thing.

teen asleep on bed with laptop during the day

Help! My teen’s sleep schedule is off

Just like anything else that is important to your teen, it is important to prioritize sleep and make sure that they can reserve at least 8 hours within their busy schedule.

baby getting nose suctioned

Why do babies choke on mucus?

For the first few days of your baby’s life, he or she may have a lot of mucus in their nose or throat, and it may seem like they are choking.