Girls getting their ears pierced

Is a tattoo parlor safer than the mall for ear piercing?

Dr. Yasmine Kirkorian answers a reader’s question about whether ear piercing is safer at a tattoo parlor or a mall kiosk.

Kid holding a basketball.

How much is too much when it comes to activities?

How to find the right balance when it comes to your kid’s activities.

mother and daughter talking

5 steps to good communication with your children

Knowing how to communicate is not always intuitive, but there are a few basic principles to keep in mind that can serve as a guide.

5 tips for a heart healthy family

5 tips for a heart healthy family

A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons for fighting cardiovascular disease. And it’s really not as hard as you think!

girl in front of vegetable dish

10 ways to keep a healthy cholesterol balance

Kids who are physically active, eat healthy foods, don’t have a family history of high cholesterol and aren’t overweight probably aren’t at risk for cholesterol problems. But you should still take steps to ensure a healthy cholesterol balance.