Mother and daughter at desk looking at papers

Helping your child prepare for the transition to college

Here are four things to keep in mind as you spend the next few months helping your child prepare for the transition to college.

girl drinking water

The importance of drinking water all year round

Our bodies are about 60 percent water in adulthood and as high as 65 to 75 percent in childhood, which means we need to drink a lot to stay healthy.


Why do children need vitamin D?

Sufficient levels of circulating vitamin D help prevent nutritional rickets in children and osteomalacia (softening of the bones, typically through a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium) in adults.

5 tips for a heart healthy family

5 tips for a heart healthy family

A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best weapons for fighting cardiovascular disease. And it’s really not as hard as you think!

girl in front of vegetable dish

10 ways to keep a healthy cholesterol balance

Kids who are physically active, eat healthy foods, don’t have a family history of high cholesterol and aren’t overweight probably aren’t at risk for cholesterol problems. But you should still take steps to ensure a healthy cholesterol balance.