Little girl eating

Food allergies: types, tests and treatments

Food allergies affect about 4 to 6 percent of all kids under the age of 18 in the United States. Chances are, if your child does not have a food allergy, you know someone who does.

Boy looking at apple and cookies on table.

After-school snacks for kids with diabetes

Dietician Erika Davies discusses healthy after-school snacks and appropriate portion sizes for kids with diabetes.

Person in produce aisle with smartphone

A celiac smartphone app for gluten-free living

Recently, Children’s National released a free celiac smartphone app called the Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Resource Center.

doctor marcee white examines a little girl's ears

Kids’ ear infections: types and treatments

Kids’ ear infections are usually treated with antibiotics. Occasionally though, children will need ear tubes if they have a lot of ear infections.

teen girl smiling

Q&A: What’s the safest, most effective way to treat acne?

Though teens may not be able to avoid breakouts, there are ways for you and your dermatologist to help them treat acne.