little girl getting a checkup

Preparing your child with autism for a medical visit

The Children’s National Autism Behavioral Consult team shares some tips for preparing your child with autism for a medical visit.

A child with epilepsy during a seizure

Seizure first aid and safety

A few simple actions can make a huge difference in someone experiencing a seizure.

Young injured soccer player in hospital emergency room

Q&A: What are the symptoms of a brain bleed?

Typical brain bleed symptoms include acute onset headache, seizures, nausea, vomiting and mental status changes.

Mom and kid lying on floor reading book

What you need to know about seizures in children

Answers to some frequently asked questions about seizures in children.

Young girl holding head in bed

Headache 101: Everything you need to know about headaches in children

Headaches aren’t just for adults. In fact, more than 10 million American children between the ages of 5 and 17 experience chronic headaches; this makes up 20 percent of all young people.