Little girl in the bathroom

How can I help my daughter potty train with underwear/pull ups?

The key to successful potty training is not rushing anything and following the lead of the child.

Two upset kids sitting outdoors

My toddler does not understand that her friends shouldn’t hit her. Help!

For young children, the best way to stop a behavior that you do not like is to provide positive attention and praise for the opposite of that behavior.

pink underwear

Is vaginal discharge normal?

Knowing your normal vaginal discharge is helpful so that you know when something changes or when something isn’t right.

little girl screaming

My almost 5-year-old is acting out. Help!

It is tough when kids act in ways that we don’t understand, especially when it involves challenging behaviors, like yelling and whining.

baby dressed as a watermelon

Can my 15-month-old eat pineapple?

Yes, your 15-month-old should be able to eat pineapple without issues. The key is cutting the pineapple into small pieces in case they were to swallow it whole.