baby girl buckled into her car seat

What are the rules for car seats?

Most convertible seats have limits that permit children to ride rear-facing for 2 or more years.

foods rich in folic acid

Do expectant mothers need folic acid?

Expectant mothers need folic acid, a type of B vitamin, that contributes to the development of a healthy fetus. The vitamin can help prevent birth defects that affect the formation of the brain and spinal cord.

Father talking to daughter

How do I teach my baby to talk?

The best way to help a baby’s language skills is for parents to talk while doing everyday things, and have fun doing them.

mom nursing toddler on couch

What is the best way to wean an 18-month-old off breastfeeding?

Lactation expert Dr. Sahira Long answers a reader’s question about weaning a toddler.

Vial marked with HPV vaccine

Q&A: Why does my child need the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine, also known by the brand name Gardasil 9, helps protect against certain types of HPV that can lead to cancer.