Little girl lying on floor

Stranger danger: What do I do when my kid won’t hug grandma?

What happens when your kid does not want a hug? Here’s how to handle the awkwardness at your next family gathering.

toddler playing with phone

My toddler is talking more at daycare than at home

It’s common for parents to report that their toddler is displaying developmental abilities — such as talking — at daycare and not at home.

little girl in crib

Help! My toddler refuses to sleep but she clearly needs a nap

Sleep expert Dr. Daniel Lewin provides advice to a reader whose toddler refuses to nap at naptime since she stopped breastfeeding.

teen girl in bed yawning

Will lack of sleep affect growth because of nighttime growth hormone deficiencies?

Teens are known for not getting enough sleep, but will this lack of sleep affect their growth? Find out in this Q&A with sleep expert Dr. Daniel Lewin.

teen siblings sitting on a wall

Guiding children with autism through puberty

It can be challenging to know what to discuss with your child and how to best support them through this stage.