brothers fighting

Sibling bullying versus sibling rivalry

It’s normal for siblings to fight, but when sibling disagreements become abusive, that’s no longer normal behavior, it’s sibling bullying.

illustration of menstrual calendar

Preparing your child for her first period

If your child is approaching her first period it’s important to provide her with reliable information, because understanding her body will help her make good decisions about health.

Sad teen looking at phone

Doom and Gloom: COVID-19 fears and January

January tends to be a time when many people feel gloomy. This year, there’s a persisting unwanted and all too familiar stressor: COVID-19.

girl screaming in grocery store

How do I get a 7-year-old child to stop screaming when she doesn’t get her way?

To get a child to stop screaming when she doesn’t get her way, you need to be consistent, otherwise she’s likely to keep screaming.

teen girls sitting on bench talking

Helping your child support a friend with mental health challenges

Here are some tips for helping your child support a friend with mental health challenges and knowing when to bring in outside help.