Dr. Marcee White examines a little girl

10 questions to ask a pediatrician at well visits

A well child visit is the best time to talk to your pediatrician about normal growth, development and behavior.

teenager asleep on her desk at schoo

Should school start later in the day?

Many high schools start classes around 7:30 am, while most teenagers fall asleep around 11 pm, leading to a lack of sleep.

little girl leaning against wall

Fainting in kids: when to worry

Here are some tips to help you learn the difference between a potentially dangerous faint and more common, benign fainting in kids.

little boy throwing baseball

Sports-related eye injuries

Every 13 minutes, an emergency department in the United States treats a child with a sports-related eye injury.

Little Kids Eating Lunch at School

Tips for making healthy and fun school lunches

There are many opportunities in this new season to be creative and have fun packing healthy school lunches.