Kids running with backpacks

Avoiding backpack back pain

Heavy backpacks go hand-in-hand with the return of the school year, and parents need to know how to help their children avoid pain.

boy lying on couch using tablet

Screen use and headaches in children: 6 strategies to help

Here are some strategies to help caregivers address headaches and related symptoms associated with screen use.

girl drinking water

How much water does my child need?

The amount of water your child needs to drink each day depends on their age and health conditions.

boy wandering off

Elopement and wandering in children with autism

Families often focus on how to respond when their child elopes, but the most important and effective steps to take are to prevent a child from eloping in the first place.

girl putting money into piggy bank

Teaching children to appreciate delayed gratification

While many children have difficulty employing delayed gratification, it is possible for them to learn to control their impulses to achieve a future goal.