boy sleeping in bed

Getting your student’s sleep schedule back on track for the school year

To get kids on a sleep schedule for the school year, it’s important to start moving bedtime earlier and make sure kids are waking up at a reasonable time.

dads hanging toddlers upside down

Is it okay for a toddler to hang upside down?

A toddler hanging upside down is alright if it’s in a safe location and for a short time — no longer than a few minutes at most.

mother breastfeeding baby

Breastfeeding and vitamin D deficiency

Breastfeeding babies are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency because breastmilk alone does not provide infants with enough vitamin D.

kids in masks getting on school bus

Can my child get COVID-19 from riding the school bus?

Research has shown that the risk of getting COVID-19 from riding a school bus is low when basic precautionary measures — such as masking, only allowing two kids per seat and leaving the windows open — are taken.

masked kids waiting in line for school

Helping your student transition back to in-person learning

Families should start preparing their children for the transition to in-person learning as soon as they are able to.