girl sitting on skateboard with her dog

Teaching kids how to avoid dog bites

Children need to understand that dogs want to protect their family or their owner and, unfortunately, the only way they know how is to bite.

two girls arguing in front of mom

Q&A: My kids are constantly fighting for attention from me and my wife. What do I do?

Our two girls are constantly kids are constantly fighting for attention from me and my wife. What is the best way to help them see that they are both important and no one is getting a “raw deal”?

Boy waking up yawning

How to prep your kids for Daylight Saving Time

Daniel Lewin, PhD explains how the time change affects children differently and what parents can do to help them with the transition.

little boy looking at tablet

The importance of limiting screen time

Limiting screen time is important, but looking at how we use screens with our kids is equally important.

Dr. Kurt Newman with a little girl

Do’s and don’ts for parents: Health care advice from a pediatric surgeon

There are things every parent can do and learn ahead of time to make sure they get the best care for their kids if and when the time comes.