three kids in sports uniforms smiling

Youth sports: how parents can make or break the experience

Even if your child isn’t super athletic, he or she can still participate in activities like jogging, rock climbing or biking and reap the benefits of regular exercise.

boy crying in front of school

Dealing with depression and survivor’s guilt after tragedy

Survivors of mass tragedies are often more prone to depression and suicidal thoughts because of survivor’s guilt.

Vial marked with HPV vaccine

Q&A: Why does my child need the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine, also known by the brand name Gardasil 9, helps protect against certain types of HPV that can lead to cancer.

two boys looking at a computer screen

How to manage your child’s screen time

Pediatrician Linda Fu provides information on the effects of children staring at screens for too long.

little girl wiping her nose

Debunking old wives’ tales: part two

Does the flu shot give you the flu? Can colds cause ear infections? Dr. Ivor Horn gets to the bottom of some common misconceptions in part two of debunking old wives’ tales on colds.