Boy sitting at table piled with junk food.

Children who eat too much

Children who eat too much love to eat and cannot turn off their hunger, even if they’ve already eaten a full meal.

Smiling teacher kneeling beside elementary school kid desk

Adjusting to a new teacher

Now that kids are back in school and over their initial nerves, other issues may start to arise. In our house, it’s adjusting to a new teacher.

Sad looking teenaged girl

What parents need to know about teen dating violence

While dating violence may often be associated with adults, it also happens in relationships among adolescents.

Kids doing yoga in a gym

How to keep your kids active in the fall

As it gets cooler, some kids would rather cuddle under their blankets and play with their electronic devices than play and run outdoors. Here are some tips to get them moving.

Teen girl sitting in car being handed the keys.

Teenage driving tips

Parents and their teens need to recognize that with driving comes great responsibilities and great dangers for which many teens are not prepared.