asthma inhaler

Preventing a summer asthma flare-up

During the summer, higher levels of air pollution, sudden weather shifts and even thunderstorms can trigger asthma symptoms.

little girl sitting in car

Preventing heatstroke in cars

Leaving a child alone in a car can lead to serious injury or death from heatstroke, even in cooler temperatures.

two girls eating cherries

5 fruits for summer snacking

Dietician Megan Watts gives insight into the fruits with the most sugar and how they can be beneficial to your child’s health.

Mother Applying Bug Spray to son

How to avoid tick bites and Lyme disease

At least half of the patients doctors see with Lyme disease are children.

little girls celebrating independence day

Safety tips for the Fourth of July

Before going outside to celebrate the Fourth of July, be sure to look over these safety tips for your family.