Children at the fireplace

How to protect children from carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide is a silent household danger that can affect anybody. Learn the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and how to prevent it from happening in the first place.

New Mom Holds Her Infant to Her Chest

Breastfeeding advice for today’s moms

Dr. Sahira Long gives tips on how to get ready to breastfeed your new baby.

paint chips on a hardwood floor

Q&A: What are the new recommendations for children with a lead level over 5 µg/dL?

Dr. Olanrewaju Falusi answers a reader’s question about her child’s blood lead levels.

Little girl putting on makeup

Hidden health hazards: Asbestos in kids’ products

Asbestos has also made its way into children’s products such as crayons, makeup and molding clay. Be aware of what’s in the toys and products you buy.

Concerned mother checks her daughter's temperature

Q&A: How can I protect my family from the flu?

It’s been a difficult flu season and many children are falling severely ill – even though they’ve gotten the flu shot.