emergency kit

Preparing your family for any emergency

The first step of preparing your family for an emergency is having a first aid kit that is ready for anything.

baby refusing to eat

What is post traumatic feeding disorder?

Post traumatic feeding or eating disorders are behaviors exhibited when an infant relates a painful or frightening experience with eating.

angry little boy

Is your child’s temper more than a tantrum?

Temper tantrums that may be cause for concern are more likely to happen without a clear trigger or “out of the blue.”

girl holding teddy bear

Helping your kids cope with a traumatic event

It is important to understand how to help kids cope with a traumatic event, whether they are directly affected by the event, or indirectly affected through media exposure.

paper cutouts of child profile

Early signs of autism

While there is no specific medical test that can diagnose autism, there are early signs to look for in children.