father and daughter playing video games

Finding special time for your kids

In this blog post, Children’s National psychologist Eleanor Mackey, PhD, gives parents advice on finding special time for their children.

father and son playing with airplane

Helping children overcome a fear of flying

Being in an airplane can be frightening for children. Follow these tips to help relieve your child’s fear of flying and make air travel less scary.

illustration of a boy blowing his nose

Snot colors and what they mean

Because mucus is the first line of defense against infections, snot can take on different colors depending on what’s going on in your body.

illustration of auto-injectors

How to use an epinephrine auto-injector

Because there are several different kinds of epinephrine auto-injectors, it’s important to become familiar with how to use each type.

mother comforting son

Talking to children about a positive COVID-19 test result

Talking to children about a positive COVID-19 test result can be hard, but it’s important to share the test results with your child, regardless of their age.