mother comforting son in hospital

10 strategies to help prepare your child for surgery

While sound machines used properly are unlikely to cause hearing loss for your baby, it’s important to be aware of the signs.

children raising their hands in a classroom

Enrolling your child in school

Enrolling your child in a new school is an exciting time but also can be stressful for both parents and students.

baby sleeping in crib

The truth about baby sound machines and hearing loss

While sound machines used properly are unlikely to cause hearing loss for your baby, it’s important to be aware of the signs.

Hurricane warning sign

Helping your child weather the storm: A guide to post-hurricane healing

Hurricanes can be devastating, leaving children feeling scared, confused and helpless. As a parent, navigating their emotional needs can be overwhelming.

family walking in cemetary

A guide to preparing your child for a funeral

Funerals, traditionally meant to honor the deceased and offer comfort to mourners, can be overwhelming for young minds.