child in hospital bed

How to manage a child’s pain post-surgery

Observe how your child recognizes pain prior to surgery to help reduce overmedication and promote a normal healing process.

child in wheelchair getting into car

Keeping your child with special needs safe while driving

Whether they’re using a conventional car seat or a wheelchair, here are some tips for keeping your child with special needs safe while driving.

baby in a car seat

Baby safety tips

From sleep tips to car seats — we’ve got you covered! Follow these six simple tips to help keep your little one safe.

teenage girl holding car keys

Six tips for parents of teen drivers

Research shows that parents can make a difference by talking to their teens about expectations. Use these teen driver tips to help your child become a safer driver.

teen girl talking to doctor

Why doctors ask to speak to teen patients alone

When a doctor speaks to a teen alone, the conversation is to get a feel for what is going on in their life, including school, activities and social interactions.