Little boy getting vaccine

Back-to-school vaccines: what parents need to know

As kids begin and return to school, here’s a guide to keep their vaccine record up-to-date.

girl leaning against steering wheel in car

10 Tips to help relieve your child’s school-related stress

With all the pressure on testing, school performance and college admissions, it is a tough time to be in high school.

teenager asleep on her desk at schoo

Should school start later in the day?

Many high schools start classes around 7:30 am, while most teenagers fall asleep around 11 pm, leading to a lack of sleep.

Smiling teacher kneeling beside elementary school kid desk

Adjusting to a new teacher

Now that kids are back in school and over their initial nerves, other issues may start to arise. In our house, it’s adjusting to a new teacher.

Street sign that says safety first

Teaching your child pedestrian safety

Here are five tips that can help your children stay safe and prepare for threats that they may encounter as a pedestrians.