Girl thinking she's fat

Addressing body image concerns in teens

The media’s push towards a specific “ideal image” can become a dangerous and sometimes life-threatening one.

Unhappy kid scratching hair for head lice

How to treat lice and prevent it from spreading

Second to the common cold, lice is the most contagious infectious disease a child can get. Here’s how to treat it.

girl preparing barbecue in the garden

Fire safety tips for grilling season

When the weather is nice, we fire up the grill. To help keep your family safe, we’ve compiled some safety tips for grilling season.

girl with headache

Seven things to know and do when your child has a migraine

If your child says their head hurts, don’t dismiss it as a simple headache.

Vial marked with HPV vaccine

Q&A: Why does my child need the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine, also known by the brand name Gardasil 9, helps protect against certain types of HPV that can lead to cancer.