baby sleeping on woman's shoulder

Q&A: Is 36.8 Celsius a fever for a one month old?

A fever is a temperature of 100.4° F, or 38° C, and higher.

baby with rash

Q&A: What is hand, foot and mouth disease?

Everything you need to know about hand, foot, and mouth disease, from symptoms to treatment.

Little boy on toilet

Is MiraLAX safe for kids?

Dr. Falusi answers a reader’s question about the safety of MiraLAX.

Girl with the flu

Q&A: Is it safe to give my child Tamiflu?

There’s been a lot of news lately about the dangerous side effects of Tamiflu. Dr. Lee Beers answers a reader’s question about the drug’s safety.

Concerned mother checks her daughter's temperature

Q&A: How can I protect my family from the flu?

It’s been a difficult flu season and many children are falling severely ill – even though they’ve gotten the flu shot.