stuffed toy dog lying on the road

How to cope with a child’s lost lovey

Psychologist Eleanor Mackey shares tips on how to teach your child to cope with the loss of a loved stuffed animal.

boy being bullied at school

Bullying and adolescent suicide

Bullied teens are twice as likely to consider suicide and nearly two-and-a-half times as likely to actually attempt suicide.

Little girl in halloween costume eating lollipop

Managing a child’s diabetes around Halloween

For families managing diabetes around Halloween, try focusing on the traditions of the holiday rather than the candy.

teenage boy washing his face

How do I get my teen to bathe?

The first step in getting a teen to bathe is figuring out why they’re not interested in bathing.

mother feeding her baby boy his bottle

How do I get my two month old breastfed daughter to take a bottle?

Weaning a young baby can be hard. Ideally, a bottle should be introduced by someone other than the mother at around 1 month of age.