Managing your child’s jet lag this holiday season
If your trip is less than three days, it’s best to stay on your home schedule. For trips longer than three days, try banking sleep and adjusting your child’s schedule beforehand.
If your trip is less than three days, it’s best to stay on your home schedule. For trips longer than three days, try banking sleep and adjusting your child’s schedule beforehand.
Using the same cooking utensils for gluten-free and gluten-containing foods may not pose a high risk of gluten exposure for people with celiac disease.
Common choking hazards include round foods, toys with small parts and toy foods that look like something that could be eaten.
In a study published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers found a strong association between sleeping on sofas and infant deaths.
The sleepiness people feel after their Thanksgiving meal is more likely due to the heavy intake of food, especially carbohydrates.