Teen writes help in reference to the state of her mental health and suicide

What you need to know about teen suicide and “13 Reasons Why”

The hit Netflix show has prompted conversations about suicide and other difficult issues experienced by teens, but it has also raised red flags in the mental health community.

girl in bed afraid of shadows

How to help a child who is afraid of the dark

Some children develop a fear of the dark without any specific reason, while others can point to a specific event. Regardless of how it starts, there are a few steps you can take to help your child in this area.

two teen girls smiling

Birth control options for teens

Most teens know about the birth control pill, but did you know there are other contraceptive options out there?

teeaged girl holding a cigarette

Teen smoking: risks and how to quit

As a parent, it is important to know how you can prevent teen smoking and how to help your teen if they have a smoking problem.

Father and son talking outside

Helping your teen navigate their emotional landscape

You can help your teen learn the skills to get through sticky situations, and come through as a healthy young adult with few bumps in the road.